£50k to Support Community Allotments in Kent and Medway

Kent Community Foundation has announced a new fund to support community allotments across Kent and Medway.

Community allotments are a great way of making friends, improving mental health, living a healthier lifestyle, and preserving the environment while attracting wildlife to the area.



The Amity Allotment Fund, forms part of Kent Community Foundation’s environmental strategy and  will open with £50k to encourage the expansion of existing allotments or to establish new sites throughout Kent.

The Fund will distribute grants of up to £7,500 to cover start-up costs for new allotments or ongoing expenses for more established sites.  Applications for funding would be considered for legal, or insurance costs,  site purchase or rent costs, as well as the purchase of seeds, plants, tools, sheds, benches, fencing, water tanks, or communal tools.

To meet the Kent Community Foundation  funding criteria, allotments wishing to apply should be properly established as a community resource, with a governing document, trustees or a management committee, and a named bank account and the grants team may wish to make a site visit.

Natalie Smith, Director of Grants and Impact, Kent Community Foundation, said, “We know how important allotments are to bring communities together, preserve the environment  and provide a fantastic area for wildlife, and we are delighted that the Amity Allotment Fund will support existing sites as well as help with the costs to create new community allotments.”

To apply to the Amity Allotment Fund, visit www.kentcf.org.uk/funding/amityallotmentfund

About Kent Community Foundation

Grant-maker Kent Community Foundation has been finding, funding, and supporting some of the smallest voluntary organisations in the county for twenty years. In this time, it has distributed over £50 million to support thousands of small charities and deserving causes where a modest sum of money can make a significant impact.

They are part of a UK wide accredited network of forty-seven Community Foundations who are committed to improving the lives of local people and communities, particularly the most vulnerable, isolated, and disadvantaged by matching those who want to help, with those who need the help.

Responsible for more than eighty philanthropic funds, Kent Community Foundation is unrivalled in its knowledge of local causes and assists individuals, families, and businesses, who want to help, to establish and administer their own charitable funds.
