Game Changing Wheelchair Receives Funding on TV Investment Show

On BBC One’s Dragons’ Den on Thursday 9 February, entrepreneurs Matt Walker and Cristian Brownlee entered the Den to pitch for a £40,000 investment for 15% in their business which assembles and distributes the Omeo wheelchair.

At the end of their pitch, Matt and Cristian were delighted to have negotiated a joint offer from  Dragon’s Touker Suleyman, Sara Davies and Steven Bartlett, who each pledged a third of the money for a 5% share of the business.

The business partners both use wheelchairs after accidents causing spinal damage. Matt 43 from Ascot has a T10 spinal injury which has left him permanently paralysed from the waist down and Cristian 33 from Chislehurst has a T4 spinal injury which has left him permanently paralysed from the chest down. Having both had active lives before their accidents they wanted chairs that would give them improved  mobility.

Matt Walker, Director Adapt Ability,  said, “Cristian and I  have both been using an Omeo for years and believe passionately in its game changing functionality and aesthetics. It has changed our lives radically for the better and we want to be able to share that incredible benefit with as many people as possible. We were incredibly nervous entering the Den but very confident about the positive  impact the Omeo will have for the lives of disabled people and we were over the moon when we received  investment from three Dragons.”





Cristian Brownlee, Director Adapt Ability,   said, “In our pitch we explained how important it is for us to be able to offer not only the latest in mobility technology but provide an essential quick and efficient service. Matt and I  experience daily how important a piece of mobility equipment can be for every simple function of our day and we really wanted our pitch to ensure the Dragon’s fully understood the improved quality of life the Omeo will give.”

To find out more about Adapt Ability and the Omeo Wheelchair visit




About Adapt Ability

Adapt Ability distribute the game changing Omeo wheelchair which stands out from other wheelchairs and allows the user  to travel over uneven terrain, scale inclines and navigate troughs and bumps in the ground.

Cristian was the first person in the UK to use an Omeo and was amazed at the additional opportunities that this chair opened up.  After they had both experienced the huge difference this wheelchair made to their lives, the two came together to build  a business that would make the chair available across the UK, Ireland and Europe.

The  company is operated by disabled people working to provide mobility solutions for disabled people. Company Directors Matt Walker and Cristian Brownlee appeared on the BBC One TV show Dragons’ Den in February 2023 to pitch for investment and left the Den with investment from Touker Suleyman, Sara Davies and Steven Bartlett.


About Matt Walker

Matt has a T10 spinal cord injury and is paralysed from the waist down.

“The Omeo has probably saved me from myself to be honest. Before my injury, I was a Greenkeeper and tree surgeon. I loved the outdoors. I loved walking, running and climbing.

When I realised, I was paralysed and would be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life it was devastating. Mentally I struggled with the idea of being ‘trapped’ in my chair. I struggled with the idea that I wouldn’t be able to access the places I loved. I struggled with being ‘seen’ in my chair.

Then I found the Omeo. I could see it was different, strong, cool, fast, all terrain, all the things I needed. From the moment I was lucky enough to take delivery of my Omeo, things changed for me. I felt pretty proud to be leaving the house on such a cool looking machine. People no longer asked me about what had happened to me and instead wanted to talk to me about my ‘cool chair!’ There are very few places I can’t go on my Omeo. It is genuinely the closest thing I have to total independence. It has helped me both mentally and physically in the face of my paralysis and I feel proud to be on it.”

About Cristian Brownlee

Cristian sustained a spinal cord injury at T4 level in 2011, rendering him completely paralysed from the chest down.

“I did not understand just how debilitating depression could be until I came to the realisation that I will never walk again. After my spinal cord injury, I spent my life holed up inside the safety of my home. I did not want to speak to anyone, I did not want to be seen by anyone. My comfort in life was my dog and the vast number of animal videos available on YouTube.


When my Omeo arrived I transferred onto it, attached a lead on my dog, and left the house to visit the local woodlands. I was so intoxicated with my new sense of independence that I don’t remember much else that day other than the tears of happiness rolling down my face, the ecstatic and confused look on my dog for actually being outside with me, and the constant comments of awe from passers-by expressing just how cool I look.

Since then, the Omeo has completely improved both the quality of my life and my outlook towards life. I simply cannot find a reason to stay at home. There is nothing for me there anymore. Disability? What disability? If you need me, you’ll find me in the local woods, zipping around with my dog and my son taking pictures of the foxes!”