
The charity Diagrama Foundation hosted training sessions as part of an €80,000 project funded by the European Union Erasmus + Programme. The E-PROFID Project will develop a training package for Care Workers who support people with disabilities, (especially those living in residential centres) while  aiming to change public perception of disability. The project was awarded…

Funding from the Let’s Create Queen’s Jubilee Fund administered by Kent Community Foundation, is allowing East Kent Mencap to celebrate the Jubilee in style. East Kent Mencap was awarded £8,421 to work with people with a leaning disability from each of their four sites across East Kent to create multimedia pieces to commemorate the Queen’s…

Kent based charity Diagrama is leading an innovative multi country project to  change the public’s perception of disability, by promoting ability rather than accepting disability. Diagrama is collaborating with organisations from Italy, Belgium, France, and Spain on a two-year €80,000 E-Profid project funded by the European Union Erasmus Plus Programme. On 12 October representatives from…