High Sheriff of Kent

Grant Makers Kent Community Foundation hosted a garden party in Egerton to thank its supporters. Professional grant-maker Kent Community Foundation hosted a garden party on 16 September to thank its supporters for contributing nearly £60 million in funding since 2001, which has been awarded to charitable organisations across Kent and Medway. Trustee and fund-holder Hugo…

On Thursday 18 July guests attended the opening of the Lend A Hand exhibition in the crypt of Rochester Cathedral. After two years casting sports stars’ hands, international award-winning body-cast sculptor and Abigail’s Footsteps Vice President, Louise Giblin opened her exhibition ‘Lend A Hand’ in the crypt at Rochester Cathedral on 18 July. The fundraising…

On 5 March five charities received awards from Nadra Ahmed CBE DL High Sheriff of Kent. On 5 March invited guests attended a ceremony at the Commissioner’s House, Chatham Dockyard, to hear Nadra Ahmed CBE DL High Sheriff of Kent announce the recipients of the 2024 High Sheriff Awards.     During the event, Josephine…

On 7 November The High Sheriff of Kent hosted an event to celebrate the difference that grassroots organisations are making across the county. Nadra Ahmed CBE DL The High Sheriff of Kent, in partnership with Kent Community Foundation, invited guests representing small charitable organisations to a ‘Causes That Matter’ event at Eastwell Manor on 7…

2023 High Sheriff of Kent Awards announced at an event in Maidstone. On 22 March invited guests joined the High Sheriff of Kent 2022/23, Russell J Race Esq JP DL, at the Mercure Great Danes for an evening reception to learn which charities and community groups had been recognised with a 2023 High Sheriff Award.…