
Over the last twenty years Kent Community Foundation has supported thousands of  grassroots organisations across Kent and Medway. One of the organisations the Foundation has been supporting since 2001 is the Prince of Wales Youth Club in Canterbury Since 2001, Kent Community Foundation has awarded over £45 million to over 9300 small charities and community…

Kent Community Foundation is delighted to launch a new fund to support projects across Kent and Medway which protect the county’s beautiful countryside and coastline and address social issues which are intertwined with environmental impact Ahead of the COP26, UN climate summit, beginning on 31 October in Glasgow, Kent Community Foundation is delighted to announce…

A grant of £4750 from Kent Community Foundation will allow charity Connaught Opera to stage a series of concerts for older people across Kent Charity Connaught Opera will be entertaining hundreds of older people across the county between 20 August and 20 October with a series of ten concerts funded by The Brook Trust Fund…

Kent Community Foundation has awarded £5,000 to Wye Community Farm so that more children and young people can benefit from time at their Farm Club. For the past two years Wye Community Farm has been supporting children and young people experiencing difficulties at school, those who are not in education, employment, or training, those with…

This year marks the 20th Anniversary of Kent Community Foundation financially supporting charities and community groups across Kent and Medway One community group which has been supported by Kent Community Foundation for the last twenty years is the Pegasus Playscheme in Dover which offers children, including those who have rare and complex disabilities a fun-packed…

After the COVID19 lockdowns affected not only Bromley Green FC’s usual activities but took a toll on the physical, and mental health of the children who use the club, plans were introduced to improve facilities and offer additional ways to support the community. Located in an area of deprivation, Bromley Green FC is a community…

Based in Borough Green, The Multiple Intelligence Hub (MIH) offers alternative, hands-on learning experiences and activities for children and young adults with special education needs (SEND). Through horticulture and other land-based activities, coordinators with expertise in SEND help children and young people with their social, emotional, and personal development, as well as improving their academic outcomes by helping…

Harvel Village Hall applied to Kent Community Foundation for funding for their community hall which plays such a valuable part in the lives of so many village residents. Last week they received the news that their application had been successful. The small semi-rural village of Harvel is in the west of Kent on the southern edge…

Small Charity Week gives everyone the opportunity to thank the small charities who make a real difference to communities across the UK Over the last twenty years Kent Community Foundation has awarded over £44 million in just over 9000 grants to organisations, families and individuals across Kent and Medway.  As part of the Foundation’s commitment…

Having recently launched an environmental strategy, Kent Community Foundation is using World Environment Day to highlight the financial support that is available for community projects that help to protect and promote the environment World Environment Day is celebrated worldwide on 5 June and encourages everyone to consider how they can improve the planet by making…