Diagrama Adoption

With a country wide shortage of foster carers, is now the time to make a new Year’s Resolution for 2023 that won’t only change your life, but will change the life of a child too? With over 70,000 children in care in England, Diagrama  a not-for-profit fostering agency is asking people to consider making an…

Chatham based Diagrama Foundation has appointed experienced communications and marketing manager Martin Newton as Head of Marketing Strategy. Newton, from Colchester,  Essex, who’s experience includes, marketing consultancy,  project managing digital multi-channel campaigns across the   public, charity and private sectors and event management  joined Diagrama Foundation  on 8 August as Head of Marketing Strategy. The role will see Martin directing…

As we approach Mother’s Day, thousands of women across the UK will look forward to celebrating with their children while thousands more will be reminded that they don’t have the family they long for. Sue, 52, knows how awful  Mother’s Day was for her, while she spent years trying to have children and although she…