
The Charity Diagrama will be curating a book addressing the question ‘What could fair justice mean for children and young people?’ and is now looking for ideas for submissions that will encourage discussion and lead to change. Diagrama is one of eight members of The Monument Fellowship, funded by the Woolbeding Charity who  work together…

Foster Care Fortnight is an annual campaign from The Fostering Network to raise awareness of the transformational power of fostering and to celebrate the fostering community, the theme is #WhyWeCare. The Fostering Network wants the whole fostering community, from foster carers to fostering services and care experienced children and young people, from fundraisers to campaigners,…

Kent Community Foundation has been supporting mental health charities for over 20 years. They recently received news which prompted them to shout about the help that is available across the county. GTown Talents, an organisation that Kent Community Foundation supports, recently shared the tragic news that Tashan one of the lead actors in a production…

The Taxi Charity lost another of its family yesterday when WWII veteran Harry Bailey, who was to many the face of the charity, died in hospital, surrounded by his family             WWII veteran Harry Bailey, 99, from Lewisham, was a huge part of the Taxi Charity family. He was equally…

When a residential care centre in Clacton needed help to create a 1960’s train carriage, a TV and film set builder stepped in to make seating for the carriage that wouldn’t look out of place in an Oscar winning blockbuster Edensor Care Centre in Clacton-on-Sea wanted to create a vintage railway carriage to improve the…

This Thursday, on Earth Day, Kent Community Foundation will launch its Environmental Strategy to protect the county’s beautiful countryside and coastline and address social issues which are intertwined with environmental impact             Josephine McCartney, Chief Executive, Kent Community Foundation, said, “Kent Community Foundation is launching an environmental strategy and a new…

On Friday 9 April 101-year-old WWII Veteran Major Edwin ‘Ted’ Hunt MVO was taken to have his second Covid inoculation by the Taxi Charity Major Edwin ‘Ted’ Hunt MVO was driven to Lancing Parish Hall for his second Covid vaccination on Friday 9 April by Taxi Charity volunteer and London cabbie Mike Hughes. He was…